
Pumpkin Donuts and Country Music

Its just past 8pm at night, and i'm sitting in my little Butlins accomodation waiting for work in a couple hours. Its a fairly chilly night, and smells a bit like fall outside.. I've been thinking about home, and how I missed Thanksgiving, and will be missing mom and dads birthdays this month. It makes me sad, knowing I won't be driving around in my jeep watching the beautiful leaves change colour, listening to country music and having all of the october Tim Hortons goodies. There will be no trick or treating, decorating the house with all of moms halloween stuff or bobbing for apples. No hot tub or bonfire nights with friends. No home made apple fritters, or mom dressing up as Little Red Riding Hood. For some reason, this time of year just makes me think about how much has changed in my life in less than a year. I can't believe I've made it all the way here by myself and held one of the coolest jobs in all of England, a Redcoat. In less than a year, i've became a DJ for adult weekends, and family venues as well, i've met thousands of families and help create family memories. I've been to London countless times, seen a castle or two and explored the local areas. But whats next? Well with November just around the corner, our contracts are nearing the end. November is all adult weekends and only about 7 Reds are kept on to work them, as we aren't needed as much. The work we do over adult weekends are main gate, check in, selling VIP wristbands, Bingo, Karoke, working doors of headphone party, and lastly, my favorite, DJing. I really hope I get kept on over November so I can continue DJing as i've DJd almost every night of every adult break since summer finished. If i'm not kept on, im not 100% sure what I will do, as I don't really have the option to go home. We are aloud to live on site for free, so I'll maybe just travel a bit. Fingers crossed they keep me though.
I'm always doing new things at work, the past couple of weeks there have been some adult weekends and not overly busy family midweeks. I had halloween training and we were taught how to make slime, mine was purple, very cool. We made little spell books to make with the kids, and lastly, were somewhat taught how to carve pumpkins. This was weird for me, because i've been carving pumpkins for as long as I can remember, every year with my family. Halloween just isn't as big over here as it is in Canada. Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.. haunted houses, horror movies, bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins, trick or treating, dressing up.. its magical. I can't wait to get closer to the time and see all of the kids really get into the spirit! Last night I DJ'd center stage all by myself which went a lot better then i thought it would, so i'm really proud of myself. Center Stage is our biggest venue at Butlins and has all of our big shows, like the Michael Jackson tributes, Glee, Big Red Beach Party, Story of Soul, Lazytown and tons of other stuff. Definitely a really cool opportunity to DJ such an important venue on resort. I also DJd the headphone party on this past adult break with Bird, it was a really good time, and we went out after. It was a really good night DJing and a quality night out with the team! This Friday we have another team building day and we are all going to Thorpe park, its an amusement park and for anyone thats seen the show the inbetweeners its on that. I hope to god it doesn't rain as thats all that happens in England. Apparently itll be cold that day but it shouldn't rain.. fingers crossed.

Matt and I have booked off some time in November to go on holiday but its the biggest pain in the ass to actually book one and match up flights and everything. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have something, or we might just book one last minute. In January, we will both be coming back home for two weeks. I can't wait for him to meet everyone, see the Falls and get to know where i'm from. He makes me so happy, and it'll just be the icing on the cake for him to come home. It will be strange being away from home for my birthday and christmas, but I will be with Matt, which will make it a bit easier. Today i'm missing home a bit. It was hard being away for Thanksgiving as we always have the family get together in October for that and all the birthdays. I've missed so many country concerts, especially the ones that I always go to with my Dad. Listening to country here, I just get hassled and the room mates think its crap. I just don't care though, I love it, and it reminds me of home. I'm trying to turn Matt into a country boy, slowly but surely, itll happen! Living here is the coolest thing, to think at 18, i've moved away from home, and not once called asking for money. I feel like i've grown up so much over the past couple of months. Although most of my friends back home are in University and college, I feel like i'm having more of a true life experience. So while everyone back home is studying for midterms coming up shortly, I'll just be in Bognor DJing and running around a dancefloor with kids, watching a Michael Jackson tribute. I'm so blessed and lucky to be living the life I live. Although I missed Thanksgiving this year, I am so thankful for my loving family, amazing friends both canadian and british, the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, the most unique life experience job, and a healthy, happy state of mind. As much as I miss my jeep, Tim Hortons, family, country music and believe it or not, Port Colborne.. I know that this is one of the best experiences i'm going to have in my life, and when it comes to an end, ill just be wishing to come back. I'm living the dream, and just waiting for someone to pinch me and wake me up.. until then, I'll just be on this side of the pond...

Your country girl,
Maple xo