
Keep Calm & Drink Wine

Well.. where to begin? My first week of work went amazingly well, full of families, everything was crazy busy and I learned a ton of new things. We shut down for a few days and I had the opportunity to learn some of the party dances. It was alot to take in and still busy, even though resort was closed. While being shut, its pretty much reds bonding time, so I got to know alot of my coworkers better. The past weekend we opened for an adult weekend. I think we have these once every 6 weeks or so. This theme was the 70's. Basically groups of the same sex come to Butlins for a weekend of binge drinking, hen parties, and getting rowdy. They check in, and hit the bar. By the time Center Stage opens at night, everyone is pissed, and in the strangest outfits. The 70's attracts a bit of an older crowd, but 20's to 30's come too cause its a cheap weekend to get together and get drunk. I lucked out and only had to work reception on Friday, checked some guests in, and had the weekend off, to experience everything it had to offer. It was outrageous and you would have to be here to be able to understand how ridiculous it gets. Sunday, everyone checked out and we were closed again for the week. When resort is closed, they open up one of the bars for us. Jak's is just music and drinks, Hotshots has bowling, and pool. Predrinks are almost always at L9 which is another accommodation. And if no one wants to hit one of our bars, then we will either go to Sheiks (or vision nightclub) which is right on the pier, or Ground Zero (club lush?) which is just in town a bit. It has basically been a two week party, non stop. I've gotten to know tons of people and had amazing times drinking with everyone. I don't think i've ever drank so much wine, and played so many games of 'never have i ever'. I've picked up the nickname 'Canada' and i'm rarely called Carlie anymore. I'm good with this, as long as no ones calling me a yankee.  My Butlins experience is like a University experience but instead of exams and essays, there are kids clubs and arts and crafts. Best time of my life.

After the adult weekend, I packed my bags up, and moved two rows forward. I now live with 3 other girls and I love it! My room has white walls with phrases written in black. I have a big wardrobe and 'Keep Calm' boxes for my tshirts. The washroom is tons of bright colors and the living area has red accents with brown couches and dark cream colored walls. I'm really enjoying my new accom and everything else that is happening. The one downfall about being here, is the rumors. Its like i'm back in highschool, but worse! There are about 500 staff that live on resort, and rumors spread like wildfire here. I've had a handfull go around about me but ive tried to sort them all out, as none of them have an ounce of truth. Luckily, the people I work with have backed me up and made me feel better. No matter where I am there will always be rumors, some people need to just mind their own business. On a positive note, I had a meeting with my boss about my probation, and I am now officially a redcoat! She had tons of good things to say about me, and now I can breathe easy that I got the job. It would have been an expensive flight home. All of entertainments team are getting sweaters made up for us. They will be any color we want, say our name or nickname, and then a phrase. I am getting a white sweater, with red writing, and "Baby Canada" on the back. As I am the youngest Redcoat, and the only Canadian to ever be a Red. Love it!!!

The resort opens up again today for the clown weekend. Yes, that is correct.. Over 3000 international clowns will be walking here for the next 3 days. I am not overly excited about this. I work reception in a little bit, and then at night I am on the silent disco. A silent disco is one of the bars opened up with no music playing.. everyone wears headsets and they have 2 different stations with different songs. Everyone is dancing to different songs, and its entertaining as hell. I have also signed up for DJ'ing so hopefully i'll be trained on that soon too. We get new uniforms in a few weeks I think, as right now we are wearing last years which are the white skirts, retro style. I actually really like them, but the new ones are nice as well. I have tomorrow off to do a bit of laundry and practice my party dances. I am so glad that we are opening up again because my liver can't handle anymore partying!! I need a break, and my bank account needs to have more coming in then going out. Sorry this was such a long update, I'm going to try and update it at least once a week from now on.

So to everyone back home, this has been one of the most amazing months of my life.. I'm more than happy and can't wait for whatever is about to happen next. xox

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