This past adult weekend I started my shift on Gold Reception. This is for returning guests or upgraded ones i'm pretty sure. It has never been busy when i've worked here before but it was myself, another red and someone from guest services. So the three of us just spent the two hours checking people into their accoms and talking about the bubble, boyfriends, the usual stuff. It started raining a bit, and I had to work main gate. I love working main gate because of the team there. Its resort safety and Reds on check in days and its a lot of fun. Apart from the fact that bus loads of 30 already drunk men are hitting on you and making disgusting actions through the window. Its probably my favorite detail on adult breaks. Later that night I worked the silent disco, headphone party. Its usually lots of fun but by the end of it I was just tired and a bit fed up. The people on resort are all piss drunk by about 10pm, and the disco starts shortly after. I don't think anyone in there is ever sober actually, except for the team working. When I walked through to pick up extra headphones, one of the guys grabbed my butt. I turned around and told him to not touch me. I was clearly not kidding and he clearly didn't care. Once I turned around to walk away, he grabbed me again. This time I went straight to the doors where the contractors work. The contractors are a ton of resort safety that are brought in just for the adult breaks as we don't have a big enough team. He told me that he had to warn the guy first and that he couldn't just kick him out. I found that frustrating because I don't think its right for men to come onto resort and harass team just because they are drunk. But that is the nature of these weekends sometimes.
Saturday I worked Bingo. Bingo in England is different from Canada though. The bingo cards here are just numbers and they play for full house (all the numbers) not lines or squares like back home. I have yet to be on a microphone since being here as i'm somewhat nervous about my accent and how it will be taken. I get called American constantly and have to repeat myself at times. I went on the mic during Bingo and a table of about 20 women were just really rude. For no reason, they weren't drunk, and didn't need to be, but were anyways. Its bad enough when the men hit on and harass you, but its just plain annoying when the women are rude too. I just smiled anyways and let it go, as I can't really do much else. I worked this detail with Tiffany which was good, and then we both did karoke later that night. This was a first as well. Everyone that sang was drunk and it was pretty funny. The venue it was in wasn't busy at all, but that's probably because the Chelsea football game was on, and Brits love football like fat kids love cake. It was a good time and finished early as well which was nice. There was a huge hen party and three of the woman were dressed up in the outfits at the very end of Mamma Mia, during the credits. They sang super trouper and danced the routine as well. Anytime I hear Abba it instantly reminds me of Dad. He would have loved it! Once it finished, I went out for a few drinks with the team and ended up in Burger King at the end of it, clear signs of a good night.
Sunday and Monday I had off with Matt. So we went to London. We didn't really have any set plans of what we wanted to do, just time out of the bubble together. He worked midnight until eight in the morning, had a quick nap, and then we went to the train station. We got to london around four or five o clock and then walked around until we found a hotel. We stayed at the Premier Inn which are apparently everywhere in England, British version of Best Western. It had only been open six days and was in the center of Leicester Square. It was perfect. The room was purple and white and everything was fresh and clean. The location couldn't have been any better, one tube stop away from covent gardens, right next to the cinema and tons of restaurants. We dropped our bag off at the hotel, then headed off to walk around a bit. We had dinner at Bella Italia and it was delicious. Little garlic breads, then spicy shrimp pasta. With, of course, wine. It was perfect. After a bit more walking around, and through covent garden where there was a man playing his guitar on a cobble stone road with a crowd gathered. It couldn't have been any better. We ended the night watching American Pie the Reunion which was hilarious! Then went back to the hotel after a long day. The next morning we did a bit of shopping, walked all over the place, past Buckingham Palace and stopped in St. James Park for a bit. I'm from a small town in Canada but I love the big city lifestyle, not to forget that I'm a country girl too though. Matt doesn't enjoy being in downtown London for long periods of time, so we went to the park so he could relax a bit, as the whole weekend had been mainly about me, he deserved some time too. When we were walking around, we found this store that sold only Australian, New Zealand and Canadian things! It was amazing. It had fruit loops; maple syrup; tootsie rolls; quaker oats oatmeal; french vanilla timmies; so many things! Matt got me a box of Dad's Cookies, and got himself a tootsie roll as I wouldn't share with him the last one that I had sent to me from Canada. Just a few spots over from the store, was a pub called the Maple Leaf. Unfortunately it was under construction, im hoping to have Canada Day off though, so I can go back for it! How cool would that be?! In this same block was T.G.I.Fridays. Matt has never been so thats where we went for lunch. I had too massive Bahama Mama's, they were unbelievable, and a chicken salad which was delicious. Matt ordered a burger because it "challenged" him. The menu read something along the lines of "Can you handle it?" and of course he felt the need to then be manly and accept. Regardless, I think he enjoyed it. After this we did a bit more wandering, then made our way to Victoria Station to head home. I fell asleep on the train back, and had an early night once home in the bubble. It was an absolutely amazing weekend and couldn't have gone any better than it did. After being so home sick, and not feeling well, Matt went above and beyond to make me feel better. I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world. So happy to have him.
On another good note, I am DJing for the first time tomorrow night in Hotshots, as well as the following night. Then I have Friday off where I'm going to take a party bus to a casino and then a club in another town for one of the Reds birthdays. Followed by an adult weekend of DJing Jaks on Saturday and Sunday with my best girl, Gemma. Things are looking up again. Good days and bad days but overall loving it!
You probably should have turned and punched him in the face as far as the disco douche goes.....and make sure they know your canadian eh!
ReplyDeleteHave an awesome time at the casino and adult weekend :D
Your actually an amazing writer Carlie!