
3 Weeks Until The Big Move!

Ok folks.. this is it, the reason I made this blog in the first place! As most of you reading this already know, I am very interested in travelling the world and learning about new customs and cultures. The reason I started writing this blog was to keep friends and family back home updated on all of my experiences whilst I am travelling. I ended up starting the blog before I even left my little ol' town of Port Colborne. Finally, after all the years that I have waited, my dreams are coming true. A little over a month ago, I got my dream job of working in England at a resort called 'Butlins'. I am an official Red Coat. Two days ago, I found out that I got my visa, which allows me to work in the UK for up to two years. I am booking my flight shortly, and im planning on leaving February 3rd, then starting work on February 10th. I can't believe how fast this is approaching, and how in a month from now, I will be working in a whole new country. I am so excited, words just can't show. For those looking at your calenders.. yes you are seeing that correctly, I am out of here in just over three weeks.. This gives me just enough time to pack up everything in my life into either boxes, or my two luggage pieces.. moving to a country for two years, and I have TWO BAGS TO PACK THAT INTO. Are you f'real? Yeah right.. I doubt this is going to work out. Ill keep you posted.

I don't know a whole lot about the experience I am going into, but thats part of the excitement. I don't know how many other redcoats work in Butlins; who my room mate / mates will be; if i will be liked; how challenging my job will be; the nightlife in bognor; my paycheck.. so many unknowns, but im just so excited that I am not to worried about any of those.  I am thrilled that I can now tell people about my goals and what I am going to be doing for the next few years of my life, because I have had to keep it quiet for a long time due to my jobs. If I didn't get my visa, or the job itself, but I had quit at my current job, then I would have been S.O.L.. Now that I have a job & a visa, I told my Sandwhich boss that I am moving, and gave them three weeks notice. Yup, I'm pretty much working til a few days before my flight. There are so many people I want to see, say bye too, get updates on, finish any unfinished business, but I'm not sure that three weeks will do the trick. I guess only time will tell, and the people that really want to see me before I go, will make the time, so it should all work out. So any friends reading this, give me a message on facebook or text me if you'd like to grab coffee before I go. As for everyone else, stay tuned.. my blogs about to get interesting.

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