
Parallel Lines

Parallel lines have a lot in common, but they never meet.. Ever. You might think that's sad, but every other pair of lines meets once and then drifts apart forever. This situation makes me think of life and the people you meet in life. How sometimes we wish we could be with someone forever and other times we wish we had never met a person in the first place. Parallel lines represent all of the people in your life that you could have met, but just never did for whatever reason, wrong timing, wasn't meant to be, anything. Other lines, help to show that we only have people in our lives for a certain amount of time, just crossing paths. No one can live forever, and not everyone you meet in your life, will be there until the end. Some people are just there for the good times, a drink at the bar, or a birthday party; others are there through work at a seasonal retail store, or bussing tables at a busy hotel; some are family, your parents, siblings, cousins; some you met through highschool, sports teams, lunch tables, business class, relay for life committee, etc. No one will be there forever, and with each person, comes a lesson, (or many). Your parents raised you with good morals and many lessons on life, your teachers taught you about specific subjects, but some did more than just your textbook lessons, your friends show you how to have a good time, and your boyfriend teaches you trust... With each person comes a new lesson.
Unfortunately sometimes this is hard to see. Sometimes when someone hurts you, it isn't the lesson in life that you see, it is just the pain and heartache, and wishing that things could go back to how they were, perhaps never having met that person. Parallel lines. Some fights are not fixable, sometimes you need to just be happy with the good times you had with that person, take the lesson learned and move on.
Enjoy your friends that are there for a good time, don't be upset that they won't be there forever, just be happy for the time you have with them. Appreciate the lessons your family has taught you, because without those, you wouldn't be the person you are today. And last but not least, remember that not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, some are just there long enough to teach you a lesson you needed to learn.

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