As this time of year rolls around again, people graduating highschool are choosing if and which university or college they will go to. Some will chose Brock or Niagara to stay close to home, some 12b to stay even closer, some the world of work, because mama ain't payin' those bills anymore, some europe because the land of wine and pasta beats Port, and some will just struggle with making a decision at all. At the young age of 17 & 18, we can at times feel so mature, and wise, yet so undecisive and childish. How are we supposed to choose what career we want to go into for the rest of our lives, when half of us can't even vote or drink. Some will choose college because their parents will foot the bill on there 2 years of alcohal binging blackout nights and failure. Some will choose university because they busted their ass in highschool for that 97.2 average and they have wanted nothing more than to study 'earth and planetary sciences'. Some will go back to 12b, or 'victory lap' because nothing beats another year of overly priced cafetaria foods, skipping class to play speed in the library, losing at OFSAA and talking grade 11 chemistry. Some will choose work because they don't know what they want to do yet, but they know it doesn't involve another year of highschool, and they need to start saving because real life is expensive.
For those of you nearing graduating, the end of 12b, your first year of real work, or the end of your european working visa, please don't stress. Yes, your parents might have graduated highschool, gone to university, and have been an accountant for the past 40 years of their life, but that doesn't mean that you have to do that to. Who says you need to go into school right away? Why don't you go out and do what YOU want to do? If you aren't ready for school, then don't go. If you feel that you are ready, and you go but it doesn't work out.. thats okay too. We are only kids, the best time to make mistakes is now. We have many years to learn and fix them. If you don't get into the 'school of your dreams', maybe thats because there will be better opportunities in other places, maybe just not the opportunities you were thinking of.
When I graduated highschool, I knew without a doubt in my mind, that there was no way in hell I was going back for another year of it. I loved my highschool years, it came with many parties, lessons, boys, drama, ups & downs, committees, dances, detentions, awards, all of your typical highschool stuff. But after 4 years, I had had enough. People said that it was going to be the best four years of my life. To the people that feel that way, I'm sorry. If those are the best four years of your life, you either didn't go to lakeshore, or life just didn't get any better for you. For me, life has already been better since highschool, and it will only continue too. I chose to go into work to save up money so I could backpack and travel through Europe. Working 2-3 jobs, was not me living my dream, it was me understanding that sometimes it takes a little bit of hard work to get to your dream. Europe. This was my dream. This is my dream. And this is also, my future.
I wish that you make choices with comfort and ease. Have comfort in knowing that you are not alone, so many other people are struggling with the same things that you are. Reach out your hand, and someone will help. No one can make the choice for you, that would be too easy. Your becoming and adult now, and with that comes choices. Not every choice you choose will be right, but you have to learn somehow. Just know that if plan A doesn't work out, remember there are 25 other letters in the alphabet.
ReplyDeleteYou are wise beyond your years, and your maturity and vision for your life shine through this blog. There are so many struggling to find the right path, so many who have yet to grow up, so many who will never find what they are looking for. You are going to succeed at whatever you do because you have learned that NOTHING comes without hard work. I know both of your parents and your have wonderful role models and mentors...I wish you all the best, and look forward to many more blogs.
Pam Koudijs