
Merry Christmas

As the holidays are finally here, everyone is coming home. People I haven't seen since graduation, since I visited them last, or since they left the country. When I graduated high school, I accepted that that day would most likely be the last time I was truly friends with a lot of those people. It is crazy how quickly people are influenced, and how easily people change. As people are coming home from school, it is clear that they have changed, some for the better, some for worse, and some I just can't tell which it is. Since I didn't leave yet, and i'm still in the same town, i've grown close to certain people and I can say that I am now happier than I probably ever was in highschool, because the friends that I have now, are ones that I am close with not because we had class together, or went to school over the years, but because we have true connections for deeper reasons than school can provide. Some I work with, some i've met through other people, and a small handful are from my high school. I have also come to realize that no matter what, my family is there for me. They will always be. Friends come and go in phases, but family is there, all day, every day of the year, no matter what. Yes there are fights, and arguments, but without a doubt in my mind, they are who I would chose to be around at the end of the day. When I was in high school, my social life trumped everything, and looking back on it, those people that I spent time with, we don't even text anymore, let alone actually have a face to face conversation. I put them first over everyone else, and it was wrong of me. With the holidays here and everyone being home, it made me realize who my true friends are, and what matters to me most. For those of you reading this, do me a favor. Call your parents, or even text them. Tell them how you feel, and how much they mean to you. You never know when everything can change, and you can never say "I love you" too many times, to the people that mean the most.

I am so thankful for everything I have. I am lucky and blessed. I have two loving married parents, a brother that I can look up to, a beautiful sister, and a healthy, hyper, handsome brother. My dog is adorable, and I have the best room mate anyone could ask for, my nana. I have a full time job as well as a seasonal job at my favorite retail store. Within the next 3 months, my dreams and aspirations will be coming true. I am FINALLY 18. I have more money in my bank than I ever had, and i've worked hard to earn every penny. There is someone in my life that words can't describe the happiness i have just being around him. The holidays always remind me of how lucky I am, and how I should try to be positive about life and the situation it brings. Not everyday is going to be a great day, but in every day it is possible to find a reason to smile. When I have what seems like the worst day ever, and nothing seems to go right. At 2 am, all it takes is a hot chocolate with little baby marshmellows, and a certain someone to turn it all around. This holiday season, I want everyone reading this, to think of what they are thankful for, to reflect on the year passed, have no regrets, learn from your mistakes, and find whatever makes you happy, or whoever makes you happy, and be with them. Life is only traveled once. Today's moments become tomorrows memories. So make sure you are making good memories, with good people. Have a very merry christmas, happy hanukah; festivus; belated eid, and a great winter solstice too.

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