
There is Nothing Worse

I've come to realize, for me at least, there is nothing worse than disappointing someone you love. When someone invests time, effort and love and then you just go ahead and disappoint them, its such a bitter feeling. I have been raised with many good values, and I am very close to my parents. One of the things they have taught me, is to never burn bridges. You never know who will be in your future, or when you might need them again. No matter how much you hate your job, your school, your current situation, don't go and burn that bridge. Today, I burned a bridge. At my job, I put in my two weeks, and I had 2 shifts left, one this morning, and my last one tomorrow. At this job, you aren't aloud to have any strange colours in your hair. After putting in my two weeks, and before seeing my next schedule, i put a little bit of purple in my hair. Not my whole head, just a few streaks. But there is no grey areas in the rules at my job, and there is definitely no purple either. I worked a shift a few days ago, and my boss hadn't noticed, or didn't mind.. I was unsure at the time. Today, however, was different. I went in for about an hour of my shift, and then was told to change it or leave. I knew that it was a risk to make.. and unfortunately, didn't work out in my favor. I have met some amazing people from this job, and have truly had some good times. I appreciate the business and what it has done for me, and am hoping that in the future they will look back on my work and what I had done and achieved there, instead of my leaving note. With that being said, I also believe that they will most likely remember the sour grape taste I left in their mouth. I have no one to blame but myself, and it was a long, quiet, upsetting drive home, to say the least. I called the person that I am the closest with, and there came the disappointment. It was bad enough to be disappointed with yourself, but it just made me sick that I had disappointed him too. I know I can't change the past, and there is no point in dwelling on it, but I feel bad, and most definitely have learned from my mistake. For anyone reading this.. take my advice, leave your job on a good note, thank them for what they have done for you, and if you plan on burning that bridge, you better be a damn good swimmer.

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